Many drop off locations to choose from!
Annual Spring Fling Picnic
The theme this year is BASEBALL!!! Please wear a baseball hat or jersey or your favorite lucky outfit you usually wear to the games. Download flyer
The theme this year is BASEBALL!!! Please wear a baseball hat or jersey or your favorite lucky outfit you usually wear to the games. Download flyer
Our March 9th social night will be at the Dew Chili Parlor on North Grand at 5:00pm. Afterwards we will head over to the Illinois State Military Museum to watch our very own Grant impersonator Larry Werline give a presentation
Congratulations to the following Members for their time in Lions. Phil Brooks for 35 years, Mike Garcia for 20 years, Susan Wilham for 20 years, Larry Bunting for 15 years & Steve Frankenstein for 15 years.
MBH is now taking orders for Chip’s delicious Cinnamon Rolls – just in time for Christmas! Orders must be in no later than December 16, 2021. download order form here
We had a great turnout for ringing the bells for the Salvation Army on Dec 2nd from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Larry portraying General Grant at the Illinois Presbyterian Home
The full links to schedule online at the donor center are as follows– Monday, November 15th – Tuesday, November 16th – Wednesday, November 17th – Thursday, November 18th – Friday, November 19th – Saturday, November
The Springfield Noon Lions Club Foundation voted to provide the necessary funds to St Louis Washington University’s Ophthalmology Department for a one year old Springfield girl whose family was in need of financial help. This is what the doctor explain