Megan Thing and Hailey Winslow have each been selected to receive a $1,000 Scholarship. Read about our recipients below.
Megan Thing is the daughter of John and Beth Thing. She is a 2023 graduate of Rochester High School. At Rochester, Megan participated in Cheerleading, Madrigals, Big Buddy, Club U, and the RHS Drama Department. She was a member of the National Honor Society and a 2022 Illinois State Scholar. She will be attending University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and will be studying Speech and Hearing Sciences.

Hailey Winslow is from Springfield, Illinois. Currently, a junior at Southeast Missouri State University studying both biochemistry and business administration. She is involved in her sorority, Alpha Phi, where she holds the position of Director of Community Service and Engagement. She is also involved in DECA, which is a student business organization. She is a part of Order of Omega and Rho Lambda, which are Greek honors societies. She loves to volunteer in her free time, attend student ministry, and also works as a waitress at Cracker Barrel.