Many drop off locations to choose from!
Mary Bryant Home Chili Fundraiser
Click here to download order forms
Click here to download order forms
Please visit the 1-M site here to find out more
Due to COVID-19 concerns this September 25th event has been canceled FHNB Facebook post
Thanks everybody who came out and volunteered at the vision and hearing bus!!!!
see your July 30th email for details, pay early for the discount
Thanks everyone for all the support and help at the Lions Golf Outing at Piper Glen Golf Club
Even if you’re not golfing come on out and lend a hand!!!!
Thanks everyone for such a fun time
Haley Limper and Hailey Winslow will receive our Springfield Noon Lions Foundation scholarships this year Haley Limper should be familiar to the Noon Lions, as she has been a past recipient of our scholarship. A 2015 graduate of Lutheran High