Many drop off locations to choose from!
President Gina Addresses the Illinois Council of the Blind
On April 6 Lions President Gina spoke to the ICB about Lions history, Lions International and our Club’s activities to about 50 participants.
On April 6 Lions President Gina spoke to the ICB about Lions history, Lions International and our Club’s activities to about 50 participants.
Lion of the Day Craig Drone welcomed Terri Hempstead from Golden Bridges (click this link to go to their website). She spoke to us about her company which offers a wide range of consulting services for relocating or downsizing–all to
Mike & Gina screened 25 children for Vision & Hearing ranging from ages 2-5 years old.
We had a great visit from DG Amy who told us about membership and her goal to establish a new Leo Club in 1-M during her term. Other Chevrons presented, but were not present; David M 40 years, Dean P
Thanks everyone for your service!!!!
Oral History of Illinois highlights 12/5/2023
This Slate Passed at our 12/5/2023 meeting of the general membership PRESIDENT Mike GarciaSECRETARY Steve FrankensteinWEBMASTER Mike GarciaTREASURER Jeremy AdamsTAIL TWISTER Larry WerlineLION TAMER Craig DroneTWO YEAR DIRECTORS Ron Wenger, Karen Campbell, Mike FishelONE YEAR DIRECTORS David Painter, Ray Campbell,
Employees of the SHA were screened for retinal diseases by LIF and SNLC
We did great collecting donations and handing out candy last Saturday 10/7/23. $100 for our Lions4Sight program and $600 from candy day donations!!!