Our March 9th social night will be at the Dew Chili Parlor on North Grand at 5:00pm. Afterwards we will head over to the Illinois State Military Museum to watch our very own Grant impersonator Larry Werline give a presentation celebrating his 200th birthday.

Ulysses S Grant was an Illinois citizen during the time of his army command and presidency. He got his officer’s commission during the Civil War here in Springfield, IL. Besides winning the Civil War, he became our first civil rights president. We will honor him at the Illinois Military Museum in Springfield on the anniversary of his 200th birthday. (1822 – 2022) We have put together a collection of Grant artifacts and mementos and will open that display on March 9 at 6:30 PM at the museum. A highlight is Grant’s 21st Illinois original flag. Springfield Noon Lion, Larry Werline, a U.S. Grant first-person presenter, will be the host. The Camp #4 Sons of Union Veterans will provide treats. The display will remain there until April 23 when it will be further highlighted during a Civil War encampment there along with some talks by Larry and Bob Davis. Birthday cake again provided by Sons of Union Veterans. Contact him at lwerline@comcast.net for additional information.