The SNLCF has partnered with the local Starbucks to receive Prairie Farms milk caps worth five cents each once they are registered at the OCYC site by Lisa at the Mary Bryant Home. To date we have registered 40,000 caps
LIF/Club Holiday Fundraiser
Don’t Forget to fill in the Organization Name as LIF and the Chapter name as Springfield Noon Lions Club
Secretary of State Talking Books-Braille
Lions Virtual Car Show
Local Blood Bank Call for Donors
Hello, my name is Libby Bair and I work with the Central Illinois Community Blood Center. Today I am writing to see if your group would be able to help us keep the local blood supply stable.With many schools and
Mary Bryant Home Chili/Soup Fundraiser
Chili/Soup Order Form Link Thanksgiving Pie Order Form Link
SNLC Golf Outing Fundraiser Results
Thanks everyone for a great event, and a special thanks to Lion Ron W for being the event chairperson!!!! 2020 Ken Parker Memorial Outing 1st SCORE Hole Contests Scott Parker 60 Longest Drive-#2- Tom Morgatorie Kenny Micheletta
Regular Meetings 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ Noon
Regular online Springfield Noon Lions Club meetings begin August 18th, see the calendar for information.
SNLC Dues are Due
Dues notice will go out next week, Mike G
Great online meeting occurred Tuesday, July 28
Kevin Seals from Hanson Engineering gave us an update on the 10th Street Rail Corridor Project if you missed it, here is a YouTube highlight