Food, Fun, Games & Prizes
22 members & 11 guests at our Spring Fling, great job to Larry & Rita. Thanks to everyone who made this a wonderful time and an extra special thanks to Limey for picking up the cost of the Pavilion!!!!!!!
Lions Host Blood Center for the week of May 17-23
click picture to schedule All presenting donors will receive a voucher to redeem a $10 gift card to Amazon, Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Lowe’s, or Dunkin’!
Proposed 2021/2022 Slate of Officers
District 1-M Governor’s Visit
Governor Bill Wallpe visited our club during our regular meeting, April 20. He announced/distributed “years of service” chevrons to the following Lions; 40 years Bill Maxey Larry Werline 30 years Bob Urbance 25 years Gary Rapaport 15 years Tim Kemp
Earth Awareness Fair
Springfield Noon Lions contribution to Earth Fair website
Fishing Has No Boundaries Events
Letter from Springfield Lions President Steve Frankenstein
Spring Fling Family Picnic
District 1-M Convention results
RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE DISTRICT 1-M CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS ARTICLE VII: MEETINGS, SECTION 2. ALTERNATIVE MEETING FORMATS has: Passed! Vote was: 30 For the Resolution, and 0 Against the Resolution with 2 not voting. 100% passage! Election results were: Serving