Many drop off locations to choose from!
FHNB Glow Bingo
Thanks T/T Larry W for your service at the FHNB GlowBingo event!!!!
Illinois Women in Leadership (IWIL) hosts Grant awards reception
Lion President Mike Garcia & IPP Gina Garcia attended the Grant awards reception at Arlington’s on 10/22/2024, put on by IWIL and the Community Health Giving Circle to receive the Grant Certificate of $2,500 for our Preschool Sight & Sound
Star Party 2024
Thanks everyone who participated and a special thanks to Jerry and Bill for organizing this. We received $700 from the Boy Scouts for our 65 hours of volunteering.
Preschool screenings at the LLCC Child Development Center
SNLC screened 24 preschoolers for hearing and 23 for vision 9-25-24
MBH Concert at Motorheads 9/13/24
Great Time at IBYC for Lions Picnic
Thanks Lions for Cooking at The Ronald McDonald House
Thanks Lion Larry W for leading the Lions in cooking for the RMH Wednesday, August 21st. And thanks to Lions Bill, Karla & Gina for volunteering to help. Below is a picture of this dedicated group. Another example of “We